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发布日期:2025-01-03 18:57    点击次数:96
  武金龙,哈尔滨市作家协会会员。古诗词集《草虫集》获哈尔滨市天鹅杯大奖,并被凤凰网、搜狐网报道。        《行歌》节选   [英]雪莱     愿将断肠曲,翻作彩云歌。   君来花满地,离恨不须多。   【原文】   Let me set my mournful ditty,   Toamerry measure;   Thou wilt never come for pity,   Thou wilt come for pleasure;        《阳春三月》节选   [英]华兹华斯     野山生闲趣,寒泉洗尘心。   云浮天地外,碧空浅复深。   【原文】   There's joy in the mountains;   There's life in the fountains;   Small clouds are sailing,   Blue sky prevailing;   注:这首诗最后一句“The rain isover and gone!”出典于《圣经·旧约·雅歌》第二章11节,“For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;”此处没有翻译。        《生别离》节选   [英]拜伦     余生如有幸,相逢云水间。   数行清泪下,无语忆当年。   【原文】   If I should meet thee,   After long years,   How should I greet thee?   With silence and tears.        《悼玛格丽特表姐》节选   [英]拜伦     懿德长感念,姿容忆如新。   一襟啼清泪,不改旧时心。   【原文】   Yet is remembrance of those virtues dear,   Yet fresh the memory of that beauteous face;   Still they call forth my warm affection’stear,   Still in my heart retain their wonted place.        《一粒沙》节选   [英]威廉?布莱克     世界微尘里,花露蕴诸天。   翻手托万象,终古一刹间。   【原文】   To seeaworld inagrain of sand   And a heaven in a wild flower,   Hold infinity in the palm of your hand   And eternity in an hour.        《夏日最后的玫瑰》节选   [英]托马斯·莫尔     心瓣凋零尽,伊人化尘飞。   茫茫溷浊世,百计不如归。   【原文】   When true hearts lie withered,   And fond ones are flown,   Oh! who would inhabit   This bleak world alone?        《罗密欧与朱丽叶·第三场》节选   [英]莎士比亚     繁花铺衾枕,芳质委黄尘。   哀思生红泪,夜夜泣君坟。   【原文】   Sweet flower, with flowers thy bridal bed I strew,   O woe! thy canopy is dust andstones.   Which with sweet water nightly I will dew,   Or, wanting that, with tears distill'd by moans.        《园丁集》节选   [印]泰戈尔     晨兴开荒径,微步起香尘。   落红随衣鬓,誓死报美人。   【原文】   I will keep fresh the grassy path   where you walk in the morning,   where your feet will be greeted   with praise at every step by the flowers eager for death.        《月光行》节选   [美]里昂·耐特     相对裁诗卷,长天收月华。   夜色浓于酒,莫使醉晨花。   【原文】   We'll learn poetry by moonlight   Hold back the falling moon.   We'll drink every drop of moonlight,   Knowing the sun shall rise too soon.        《夜行》节选   [美]奥登     夜深人尽去,漏鼓断残声。   相依不得语,千里暮潮平。   【原文】   It was late, late in the evening,   The lovers they were gone;   The clocks had ceased their chiming,   And the deep river ran on.

